" The most important contributions of Dark age , Feudalism , and Renaissance in the development of physical education"


Physical education became an important part of every individual since this helps us achieve being physically and mentally stable individual . Considering the fact that if your are going to be physically active we should be determined , needs to exert more effort and time so that we can achieve the goals to be physically fit . To further understand about the different ages that contributes to the field of education let us have a quick glimpse on the contribution of the dark age , feudalism , and renaissance period in the development of physical education.

Dark age


The term "dark age" refers to the period following the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476. Because of the wars, destructions, and deaths caused by such battles, it was known as the Dark Age. Strong teutonic barbarians rule over all lands that enjoy glory and grandeur.

Do you know that this kind of ruling contributes to the development of physical education? 

Teutonic barbarians led a life of physical activity and were powerful and balanced, according to the judgment. It provided them with the opportunity to defeat Romans who were physically and morally damaged as a result of their lifestyle.

Movements during dark  age

1. Ascentism can be shortly define a a strict method of self-control and abstention from all types of indulgence, usually for religious purposes. They practiced ascentism to aid in the pursuit of physical and metaphysical health. They avoided worldly pleasures and lived a frugal lifestyle.

2. Scholasticism believes that the growth of mental or intellectual forces is the most important aspect of one's education and the secret to a successful life.

Feudalism Period


It was a system of land tenure based on a nobleman's or lord's allegiance and service. The feudalistic era arose as a result of people's need for protection, and since strong monarchs and governments who could provide this protection were few and far between, people turned to noblemen and others who built castles, had vast land holdings, and established themselves as powerful individuals.

During this time, more focus was placed on more intensive and intense physical training, such as swordmanship, horsemanship, bow and arrow shooting, wall scaling, and climbing. This just proves that people in this era engaged more in any physical training. 

Renaissance Period


Petrarch, Occaccio, Michaelangelo, Rasmus, Da vinci, Da gama, Columbus, Galelio, and Harvey are all names associated with this era. There were several notable Renaissance figures who were responsible for sharing these beliefs about physical education.The term Renaissance comes from the French, which means "rebirth." It refers to a period in European history when Classical learning and wisdom were revived.

The Renaissance era aided in interpreting the value of physical education to the general public. Physical education is widely accepted as important for fitness, as a means of improving the body, and as a training for warfare. Physical education, on the other hand, may make significant contributions to society's aesthetic, social, and moral life.
